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Children in the village of Paraguay visited
























2024 年8 月17 日付下野新聞 



下野新聞 橋本裕太記者













新会長に若菜氏が就任 下野新聞社社長

とちぎ応援団総会 岸本前会長は顧問に











【派遣隊員】2023年度4次隊、高橋 眸(ひとみ)さん(宇都宮市) モンゴル、高齢者介護
【帰国隊員】】2021年度3次隊、老松(おいまつ)茂輝さん(宇都宮市) パラグアイ、小学校教育














知事を表敬 地元市町の首長にもあいさつ



◇芦澤 和さん(小山市)ガーナ、PCインストラクター

◇斎藤 ゆき乃さん(塩谷町)パラグアイ、 理学療法士

◇具志 梨沙さん(矢板市)ベナン、 コミュニティ開発



























知事を表敬 地元市町の首長にもあいさつ




◇大山 慧さん (下野市) ガーナ、小学校教育

◇小曽根 敦成さん (小山市) ペルー、環境教育

◇稲葉 魁人さん (茂木町) セネガル、野菜栽培




下野市 坂村市長(右)を表敬

小山市 浅野市長(右)を表敬

茂木町 古口町長(左から2人目)を表敬

とちぎ応援団が設立20 周

10 月21 日に記念式典、記念シンポジウムなど開催

青年海外協力隊とちぎ応援団が10 月10 日、皆様のお陰で設立から20 年の節目を迎えました。
これを記念し、10 月21 日午後2 時から、宇都宮市駒生1 丁目の「コンセーレ」で式典やシンポジウム、交流会を開催します。
シンポジウムは午後2 時40 分からです。栃木県OB会の主催で、海外協力隊経験者の教員らがパネラーで












■募集説明会   参加無料、事前申し込み不要、当日参加OK

11月11日(土)14:00~16:00 JR宇都宮駅東口「ライトキューブ宇都宮」105・106で。


募集説明会チラシはこちら から
■問い合わせ:JICA栃木デスク 担当:田島 TEL:028-621-0777


2023年秋募集 県内の説明会は宇都宮にて開催

2023 年8 月28 日付下野新聞 











※添付の下野新聞連載「JICA支える人たち」の3 回目の記事で、ラオス日本センターの設立が


設立20 周年記念誌を発刊 とちぎ応援団

とちぎ応援団は設立20 周年記念誌を制作し、23 年9 月1 日付で刊行しました。
A4 サイズ12 ページで、派遣隊員名簿などを増補したことで、15 周年記念誌より4 ページ増やしました。
応援団会員には9 月1 日付で、この記念誌を「育てる会ニュース」に同封して郵送されました。
同ニュース9 月号では、この記念誌の刊行が記事で紹介されました。


設立20 周年記念誌の表紙




山中さんは2008 年と2018 年の2 回、とちぎ応援団の壮行会にシニア隊員で出席し、

他に、NGOや民間でも派遣。現在はJICA 海外協力隊として障害者の職業訓練に従事しています。

2023 年8 月8 日付下野新聞  共同通信配信









女性隊員2人 副知事も表敬


◇鈴木 由美さん (那須塩原市) 派遣国 ナミビア 職種 PCインストラクター
◇横手 亜紀さん (栃木市)    派遣国 セネガル 職種 幼児教育













Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

400岸本会長 (2).JPG







Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


2023年春募集 県内の説明会は宇都宮と小山の2か所です

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.




Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.






Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.



Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.



Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.




Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.




Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.




Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

写真上 オンライン帰国報告会でのPC画面。下段左から荒川拓也隊員、岸本卓也会長 = JICA筑波提供

写真下 オンラインで荒川隊員をねぎらう岸本会長 = 下野新聞社で

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

写真上 活動を説明する田島さん(右端)

写真下 質問に答える清水さん(右から4人目)


Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.



Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.



金子市長(左から3人目)を表敬訪問した田島繁樹さん(中央)=5月13日。  JICA筑波提供

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party News No. 18

Tajima member appears at online return report meeting

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will be held on January 20, 2022.

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will hold an online return report meeting on January 20, 2022. Three members dispatched to Ghana appeared.

Regarding Tochigi Prefecture, Shigeki Tajima (from Sano City, 2019 2nd Corps, PC instructor) who just returned to Japan on the 6th of the same month appeared.

Chairman Takuya Kishimoto from the Tochigi cheering party also participated in this debriefing session, asking Mr. Tajima about his local activities and his thoughts on the Japanese IT industry. I conveyed the words of encouragement.

Above: Online return report session

Mr. Tajima is in the upper left of the photo, and Chairman Kishimoto is in the lower right.

Bottom: Mr. Tajima's self-introduction screen

Both photos are provided by JICA Tsukuba

Above: Online return report session

Mr. Tajima is in the upper left of the photo, and Chairman Kishimoto is in the lower right.

Bottom: Mr. Tajima's self-introduction screen

Both photos are provided by JICA Tsukuba

Tajima member appears at online return report meeting

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will be held on January 20, 2022.

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will hold an online return report meeting on January 20, 2022. Three members dispatched to Ghana appeared.

Regarding Tochigi Prefecture, Shigeki Tajima (from Sano City, 2019 2nd Corps, PC instructor) who just returned to Japan on the 6th of the same month appeared.

Chairman Takuya Kishimoto from the Tochigi cheering party also participated in this debriefing session, asking Mr. Tajima about his local activities and his thoughts on the Japanese IT industry. I conveyed the words of encouragement.

Tajima member appears at online return report meeting

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will be held on January 20, 2022.

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will hold an online return report meeting on January 20, 2022. Three members dispatched to Ghana appeared.

Regarding Tochigi Prefecture, Shigeki Tajima (from Sano City, 2019 2nd Corps, PC instructor) who just returned to Japan on the 6th of the same month appeared.

Chairman Takuya Kishimoto from the Tochigi cheering party also participated in this debriefing session, asking Mr. Tajima about his local activities and his thoughts on the Japanese IT industry. I conveyed the words of encouragement.

Above: Online return report session

Mr. Tajima is in the upper left of the photo, and Chairman Kishimoto is in the lower right.

Bottom: Mr. Tajima's self-introduction screen

Both photos are provided by JICA Tsukuba

Tajima member appears at online return report meeting

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will be held on January 20, 2022.

The JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Secretariat will hold an online return report meeting on January 20, 2022. Three members dispatched to Ghana appeared.

Regarding Tochigi Prefecture, Shigeki Tajima (from Sano City, 2019 2nd Corps, PC instructor) who just returned to Japan on the 6th of the same month appeared.

Chairman Takuya Kishimoto from the Tochigi cheering party also participated in this debriefing session, asking Mr. Tajima about his local activities and his thoughts on the Japanese IT industry. I conveyed the words of encouragement.

Above: Online return report session

Mr. Tajima is in the upper left of the photo, and Chairman Kishimoto is in the lower right.

Bottom: Mr. Tajima's self-introduction screen

Both photos are provided by JICA Tsukuba

Mr. Oomatsu departs for Paraguay in 2021

Mr. Tajima dispatched from Ghana returns to Japan

Mr. Shigeki Oomatsu, a third member of the 2021, departed for Paraguay, South America, on January 18, 2022. Mr. Oomatsu lives in Utsunomiya City and his occupation is elementary school education.

On the other hand, Mr. Shigeki Tajima (Sano City), a PC instructor dispatched to Ghana in the 2019 second squad, finished his activities in Ghana and returned to Japan on January 6, 2022.

As of January 20, 2022, there are now two Tochigi Prefecture personnel dispatched, Mr. Oomatsu and Mr. Shohei Yokotsuka (Utsunomiya City, Mathematics Education) dispatched to Malaysia.

2021 1st member departs

Mr. Yokotsuka from Utsunomiya City

Shohei Yokotsuka (Mathematics Education, Utsunomiya City), who encouraged us at the 1st Squadron Send-off Party held on July 21, 2021, departed for Malaysia on December 23, 2021.

In addition, Shigeki Oomatsu (elementary school education, Utsunomiya City), a third member of the same year who encouraged at the send-off party on December 8, 2022, decided to depart on January 18, 2022.

The dispatch destination is Paraguay, South America.

Takuya Kishimoto, chairman of the Chigi cheering party, encourages Mr. Oomatsu on the screen

(December 8, Tochigi International Exchange Center)

The 2021 3rd Squadron Send-off Party will also be held online

Mr. Osomatsu, motivated to improve the educational ability of Paraguay

On December 8, 2021, the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party held a send-off party for the third party at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City. This send-off party has been held since the 1st corps (July 21st), and this time as well, in order to prevent infection with the new coronavirus, we have decided to hold an online event that connects the homes of dispatched personnel and the venue with Zoom.

The third member is Mr. Shigeki Omatsu (Utsunomiya City), who is dispatched to Paraguay, South America for elementary school education as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer. At the send-off party, guests and cheering party members gave encouragement such as "Be careful about your physical condition" and "I'm looking forward to your return report."

Click here for the article published in the Shimotsuke Shimbun on December 9, the following day. Click here for a video recording the send-off party (provided by JICA Tsukuba) .

​Shigeki Oomatsu, a member of the group who talks about his aspirations

Full view of the venue

Presenting souvenirs JICA Tsukuba Ishizawa (left) and cheering party Vice Chairman Mizunuma (right) on behalf of Mr. Oomatsu

Adviser Mitsuru Kosuga to encourage

Vice Chairman Tomio Mizunuma

Vice Chairman Mizunuma is the Order of the Rising Sun

Vice Chairman Tomio Mizunuma of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheerleader was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun in the fall of 2021 for his achievements in the broadcasting business.
Mr. Mizunuma became president of Tochigi Broadcasting after serving as a director of Shimotsuke Shinbun. Continued to serve as president of Tochigi Television. He was honored for his great achievements in the development of the broadcasting business.
Since its founding, the Tochigi Cheering Party has served as Vice Chairman, and is enthusiastically working on support projects for Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers related to Tochigi Prefecture. Lives in Utsunomiya City.

The total number of pages viewed is 6,912
Two years since the Tochigi cheering party website was opened

The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party opened its own website on November 25, 2019. Two years before the opening, we aggregated and analyzed the access so far.
According to it, the number of pages (page views) viewed was 6,912. Not only in the prefecture, but also from 34 prefectures from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Tochigi Prefecture was the most viewed, Tokyo was the second, and Gunma Prefecture was the third. It was viewed from 13 countries from overseas, with Honduras having the largest number of pages viewed (page views), the United States second, and Indonesia third. Detailed analysis results are attached .
We will continue to strive to deliver fulfilling content.

Tochigi Multicultural Symbiosis Forum 2021 Held
Prefectural exchange group exhibited 11 booths introducing foreign culture

On October 23, 2021, the prefecture and the Prefectural International Exchange Association held the annual "Tochigi Multicultural Symbiosis Forum 2021" at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City. At the venue, each exchange group in the prefecture exhibited 11 foreign culture introduction booths. We publicized the folk costumes, folk crafts, sightseeing spots, etc. of each country to the visitors.
In the afternoon panel discussion, foreigners living in the prefecture gave their opinions on the theme of "I felt living in Tochigi", and this coordinator was Yoshiko Usui, a director of the Tochigi cheering party.

Brazil booth

Nepal booth

Indonesia booth

Indian booth

Panel discussion

Nepal Cooperation Corps 50th Anniversary Photo Exhibition Held

Half a century has passed since the dispatch of the JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers to Nepal began in 1970. Taking this opportunity, the "Nepal Cooperation Corps 50th Anniversary Photo Exhibition" was held at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Honcho, Utsunomiya City from August 21st to September 18th, 2021.
This photo exhibition was sponsored by "Nepal Support Volunteer Association Sanga Sangai" (Representative Takashi Otani), an organization established by former Nepalese members in the prefecture to cooperate in the recovery of the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
The photo looks back on the activities of 10 former members related to this prefecture in Nepal and former members nationwide, and also introduced the state of international contribution activities after returning to Japan.

Photo exhibition held at Tochigi International Exchange Center

Mr. Yokotsuka dispatched to Malaysia participated in Zoom (July 21, Tochigi International Exchange Center)

Dispatched laborers participate in Zoom due to Corona
2021 1st corps send-off party held

On July 21, 2021, the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party held a send-off party for the first party in 2021 at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City. The send-off party for the Tochigi cheering party was held for the first time in 1 year and 8 months, and in order to prevent the infection of the new coronavirus, the dispatched members participated in Zoom, which was an unusual form.
This time, Mr. Shohei Yokotsuka (Utsunomiya City), a senior Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer, will be dispatched. I will be dispatched to Malaysia for math education. About 20 people, including members of the Tochigi cheering party, participated in the send-off party. Guests from the Prefectural International Affairs Division, the Prefectural International Association, and JICA Tsukuba attended and talked about "Be careful about your health" and "I'm looking forward to talking about souvenirs" to encourage Mr. Yokotsuka.

Click here for the article published in the Shimotsuke Shimbun on the 22nd, and the state of the day .

Approval of all proposals such as 2021 business plan

To prevent the infection of the new coronavirus, the Tochigi cheering party did not hold the general meeting of the same year, which was scheduled to be held on June 5, 2021, and deliberated the bill by a written vote. As a result, we approved five proposals, including a business plan for the same year and a proposal for re-election of officers due to the expiration of the term of office. After that, as a result of a written vote by the elected directors, the vice chairman was reappointed.

For details, please see the "General Assembly Results" page.

Vice Chairman Suzuki is Order of the Sacred Treasure

Former Vice-Governor Seiichi Suzuki, Vice Chairman of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Squad, received the Mizuho Nakatsusho for the achievement of local autonomy in the spring of 2021, and the transmission ceremony was held at the prefectural government office on May 7.
Mr. Suzuki has held important positions such as the manager of the business management department as a prefectural employee, and also served as the chairman of the prefectural international exchange association. Since 2019, he has been appointed as Vice Chairman of the Tochigi Cheering Team, and is working to support the members of the cooperation team from this prefecture.

Lives in Oyama City.

Seiichi Suzuki Vice Chairman

To CRT Tochigi Broadcasting Radio

Former cooperating member appears

From March 31, 2021 on CRT Tochigi Broadcasting, a program in which a former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer and a former senior corps from Tochigi Prefecture will appear one by one every week has started. In the weekday morning band program "Vitamin Tochigi", every Wednesday from 10:40 to 11:00, there is a corner called " Earth is One J ".
In this program, we will also introduce the situation of the country where the former members were dispatched, the state of their own activities, current work and social contribution activities. The show will last for a year, with former members appearing in relay format. The listener is Satoshi Kogure, an announcer of CRT Tochigi Broadcasting.
Even if you miss the broadcast, you can still listen to it even after the broadcast ends on the app / site called radiko Radiko on your computer or smartphone .

For more information, including previous broadcasts, please see the " One Earth is J " page.

Cheering party news No. 18 published

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published the 18th issue of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team News , which summarizes the main activity results in 2020 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party News No. 18

Secretariat contact information has changed

The contact information for the secretariat of the new Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team in April 2021 is as follows.


9-14 Honcho, Utsunomiya City Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team Secretary General Ishizaki Konobu Telephone 090-5544-4167

Return report meeting (February 13, Tochigi International Exchange Center) where four returnees announced the results of their activities

Return home report meeting in Tochigi held

Also sponsored by Tochigi cheering party

On February 13, 2021, JICA Tsukuba and the Prefectural International Exchange Association held the "JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Return Report Meeting in Tochigi" at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City. Reported the activities of. The Tochigi cheering party sponsored this event together with the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers OB Association.

The reported returnees were Junko Asakawa (second corps in 2018, Egypt, home economics / life improvement), Yu Sagawa (fourth corps in 2017, Mexico, business management), and Kazuyuki Mishima (second corps in 2018, Kenya). , Agricultural machinery). The waiting squad member is Moe Arakawa (FY19 primary corps, Mozambique, vegetable cultivation).

Asakawa and three others returned to Japan all at once by April last year, leaving a term of office of 1 to 7 months due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Mr. Arakawa returned to Japan only seven months after being dispatched.

At the debriefing session, after reporting on each activity and life in the place of employment, as a panel talk, he talked about the motives for applying for the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and the achievements in his country.

The pattern of the day was broadcast live on YouTube and uploaded to the JICA Tsukuba website, Facebook, and Twitter. The address is as follows. take a look.

■ HP ■ l

■ FB ■

■ Twitter ■

Above: Courtesy visit to the governor at Tochigi Prefectural Office

Middle: Returnees talking with the governor

Bottom: Four members who paid a courtesy call on the Tochigi cheering party and the Prefectural International Association (left)

Both are December 24 , 2020

Four returnees pay a courtesy call on the governor and talk with the chairman of the Tochigi cheering party

On December 24, 2020, four youth overseas cooperation team members who returned to Japan all at once due to the spread of the new coronavirus paid a courtesy call on Governor Tomikazu Fukuda at the prefectural office.
On the same day, the four visited the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City, paid a courtesy visit to Chairman Takuya Kishimoto of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team, and Chairman of the Prefectural International Exchange Association, Shigeru Minowa, and had a friendly discussion. did.
The following four people paid a courtesy call on the governor on that day.
◆ Masaru Sagawa (Senior Volunteer, Nogi Town) Mexico, Business Management ◆ Kazuyuki Mishima (Senior Volunteer, Nasushiobara City) Kenya, Agricultural Machinery ◆ Junko Asakawa (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, Utsunomiya City) Egypt , Home Economics / Life Improvement ◆ Yukie Yashita (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, Sano City) At a meeting with a beauty artist in Morocco, Mr. Yashita said, "It was a pity that I returned home without completing my term due to the corona. It was a very valuable experience. "
In response, Chairman Kishimoto said, "I was very worried about how the new coronavirus infection has spread worldwide and what kind of life you are living as a Tochigi cheering party. I want you to make use of it in the future. "
Governor Fukuda asked in detail about the activities of the four people and the situation of their place of employment, and then said, "It's the New Year in my hometown for the first time in two years. Please take your time."
Mr. Yashita recorded an interview program at CRT Tochigi Broadcasting Studio on this day. Broadcast from 15:45 on Saturday, December 26th.

I gave a souvenir to Kenichiro Kobayashi (second from the left)

Chairman Takuya Kishimoto. Yuko Ishizawa is on the left and Isao Watanabe is on the right.

(June 29, 2020, at Shimotsuke Shinbun)

Mr. Kobayashi, Chief of JICA Tsukuba, retired.

The successor is Mr. Ishizawa, the former Deputy Director of the Ghana Office.

Kenichiro Kobayashi, Chief of the Cooperation Promotion Section of JICA Tsukuba, has been transferred to the headquarters on June 8 , 2020 .

The successor is Yuko Ishizawa, the former Deputy Director of the Ghana Office.

Mr. Kobayashi served as the section chief for three years, and was indebted to us at the Tochigi Cheering Team JICA President's Commendation in October 2017 and the 15th Anniversary Ceremony of the Cheering Team in November 2018.

On June 29, the two of us visited the Shimotsuke Shimbun and gave a greeting to Chairman Takuya Kishimoto about the change of section chief.

On the spot, Chairman Kishimoto handed Mr. Kobayashi a woodblock print "Gaifu Manpan" by Mr. Isao Watanabe (Chairman of the Prefectural Print Association) as a souvenir.

Made by Isao Watanabe. Woodblock print symbol mark

Symbol mark completed

In May 2020, Mr. Isao Watanabe (Utsunomiya City), a director, made a woodblock print of the symbol mark of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party.
The design is designed with the initials "JOCV" and "SUPPORT from TOCHIGI" of the English translation of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.
Mr. Watanabe is also the chairman of the Tochigi Prefectural Print Association, and says, "Because the Tochigi cheering party is contributing from Tochigi, I especially emphasized from."

State of the 2019 general meeting

The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has decided not to hold the general meeting scheduled for June 6, 2020 in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection. For agenda items such as the previous year's income and expenditure settlement plan, we will adopt a method of written voting in which members vote for or against each agenda item.
After undergoing an accounting audit, bills and other documents will be mailed to members in mid-May of the same year. After discussing this, please use the postcard enclosed in the bill, or use your computer or smartphone to
answer your approval or disapproval by the end of May of the same year from the " General Assembly " page of our cheering party site.
Details will be announced in the guidance document enclosed with the bill. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

Tochigi cheering party news No. 17

The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team has published News No. 17 of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Team , which summarizes the main activity results in FY2019 . You can see the page from the publication page.

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party News No. 17

Vice Chairman Seiichi Suzuki explaining the activities of the cheering party

Co-sponsored a family liaison meeting with JICA and a prefectural alumni association

On February 15, 2020, JICA Tsukuba held the FY19 Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Family Liaison Meeting at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City.
Two families of Kenyan dispatched laborers attended this day. We received a detailed explanation of the support system such as health management and living aspects of the members from JICA Tsukuba staff, and talked with Kenyan members OG and others.
Vice Chairman Seiichi Suzuki gave a greeting to the Tochigi cheering party and explained the activities of the cheering party. Chairman Izumi Onuki attended the prefectural alumni association.

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Courtesy visit to the prefectural office of the 2019 2nd corps and returnees

2019 second corps

Courtesy visit to send-off party and prefectural office on November 22

・ Yutaka Yamashita (Costa Rica, waterworks) from Utsunomiya City

・ Shigeki Tajima (PC instructor, Ghana) from Sano City

Two people attended the send-off party.


・ Yuka Nozawa (Samoa, elementary school education) Born in Oyama City

・ Mr. Marumi Watanabe (Benin, nurse) from Tochigi City

The two returnees also paid a courtesy visit to the prefectural office together with the departure members, and Mr. Nozawa reported his return to Japan.

Send-off party for the 2019 1st corps

2019 1st corps

Courtesy visit to send-off party and prefectural office on July 5

・ Airika Hikita (Public Health, Thailand) Utsunomiya City

・ Moe Arakawa (Mozambique, vegetable cultivation) Nasushiobara City

・ Yukino Koinuma (Tanzania, elementary school education) Motegi Town

・ Ryota Omagari (Myanmar, PC instructor) Haga Town

Four people attended the send-off party and paid a courtesy visit to the prefectural office.

After that, everyone arrived safely in their respective countries and started their activities.

2018 4th Corps Takahashi's courtesy visit to the prefectural office

2018 4th corps

Courtesy visit to send-off party and prefectural office on March 20

・ Yuki Takahashi (Benin, community development) Oyama City

One person attended the send-off party and paid a courtesy visit to the prefectural office.

After that, I arrived in Benin safely and started activities.

2018 3rd corps

Courtesy visit to send-off party and prefectural office on December 14

Courtesy visit to the prefectural office of the 3rd corps in 2018

・ Satoshi Kojima (Tanzania, elementary school education) Utsunomiya City

・ Ms. Yuki Miyuki (Kenya, nurse) Utsunomiya City

・ Yurika Kondo (Bhutan, elementary school education) Utsunomiya City

・ Mutsuko Yamanaka (Bhutan, handicrafts) Oyama City

・ Takuya Arakawa (Kenya, Occupational Therapist) Mibu Town

5 people attended the send-off party and paid a courtesy visit to the prefectural office.

After that, everyone arrived safely in their respective countries and started their activities.

Courtesy visit to the prefectural office of the 2018 2nd corps

2018 2nd corps

Courtesy visit to send-off party and prefectural office on September 20

・ Junko Asakawa (Sudan, Home Economics / Life Improvement) Utsunomiya City

・ Yue Yashita (Morocco, beautician) Sano City

・ Kazuyuki Mishima (Kenya, Agricultural Machinery) Nasushiobara City

Three people attended the send-off party and paid a courtesy visit to the prefectural office.

After that, everyone arrived safely in their respective countries and started their activities.

JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Family Liaison Meeting held in Utsunomiya City

February 2019 Co-sponsored a family liaison meeting with JICA and a prefectural alumni association

Family liaison meeting

On February 23, 2019, JICA Tsukuba held the 2018 Prefectural JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Family Liaison Committee at the Tochigi International Exchange Center in Utsunomiya City, co-sponsored by the Tochigi Support Team and the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers OB Association. On this day, 11 groups of 15 members from the members' families attended and listened with interest to the explanation of the local support system and employment support after returning to Japan from the Human Resources Development Section Chief of JICA Headquarters. Vice Chairman Mitsuru Kosuga greets the Tochigi cheering party. We introduced the organization and activities of the cheering party and invited the families who attended to join.

February 2019 The Association for Raising Cooperation Corps Holds National Representatives Meeting

National representative meeting

(One company) On February 2, 2019, the Association for Raising Cooperation Corps held a national raising association representative meeting at the Nippon Seinenkan in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, and 34 representatives from 30 prefectures attended. The Tochigi cheering party was attended by the secretary general, Ishizaki. Mika Yamamoto, Director General of the JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, explained the outline of the change in the dispatch system and exchanged opinions with attendees from all over the country.

May 2018 Mr. Kishimoto elected as the third chairman Former Chairman Kando became an advisor

Change of chairman

Chairman Yoshinori Kando will retire in the middle of his term, and Takuya Kishimoto, president of Shimotsuke Shinbun, was elected as a director at the general meeting on May 19, and he was elected as the third chairman at the board of directors on the same day. Mr. Kando, who served as chairman for three terms and five years, was selected as an advisor at the general meeting on the same day and received a letter of appreciation from the cheering party.

Takuya Kishimoto, 3rd Chairman (left) and Yoshinori Kando, 2nd Chairman (right)

April 2018 Tochigi Prefecture gives preferential treatment to JICA volunteers in the teacher recruitment exam and exempts the general liberal arts exam

The request of the Tochigi cheering party is realized

Teacher recruitment preferential treatment

In April, the Tochigi Prefectural Board of Education exempted the general liberal arts examination from the recruitment examination of the prefectural public school teachers to be hired in the spring of 2019, and for those who have experience such as the youth overseas cooperation corps with a teacher's license, and replaced it with a group interview. Announced that a personal interview will be held. According to the selection guidelines, those who are eligible for preferential treatment are (1) workers at diplomatic missions abroad and (2) people who have been dispatched by Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Since the establishment of the Tochigi 14 cheering party, preferential treatment for hiring civil servants has been requested from the prefecture and the prefectural board of education. At the plenary session of the prefectural assembly in June 2018, the director of the Yokomatsu Morito cheering party, who took up this issue, said, "The measures taken by this prefecture are not advanced nationwide, but I am very happy. I want as many teachers in Tochigi Prefecture to hire as many volunteers as possible. "

In November 2018, two Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers OB passed. Mr. Sotaro Handa (dispatched from Papua New Guinea) from Utsunomiya City and Mr. Nozomi Nakao (dispatched from Peru) from Oyama City will be teaching as teachers hired by this prefecture from April 2019.

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party
Inside the Tochigi International Exchange Center, 9-14 Honcho, Utsunomiya City, 320-0033
TEL 090-5544-4167  e-mail
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