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One earth J
Mr. Kumakura , a former Indonesian member of the first broadcast
AM broadcast
Utsunomiya 1530kHz
Ashikaga 1062kHz
Nasu 864kHz
FM broadcast
Utsunomiya 94.1MHz
Ashikaga 91.1MHz
Kuzuu 93.4MHz
Imaichi 93.4MHz
Shiobara 93.4MHz
radiko radiko
Is a site / app that allows you to listen to the radio on your smartphone, tablet, or PC, and you can listen to not only the programs that are being broadcast but also the broadcasts that have ended. Tap / click the green letters
jump to the "Vitamin Tochigi" page where "Earth is One J" was broadcast.
From March 31, 2021, CRT Tochigi Broadcasting began a program in which one former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer and one former Senior Volunteer Volunteer from Tochigi Prefecture will appear each week. In the weekday morning band program "Vitamin Tochigi", every Wednesday from 10:40 to 11:00, there is a corner called "Earth is One J".
In this program, we will ask you to talk about the situation of the country where the former members were dispatched and the state of their own activities. In addition, we will ask you to introduce the current work and social contribution activities of former members. The show will last for a year, with former members appearing in relay format. The listener is Satoshi Kogure, an announcer of CRT Tochigi Broadcasting.
Even if you miss the broadcast,
you can still listen to it even after the broadcast ends on the app / site called radiko Radiko on your computer or smartphone.
■ Program name: CRT Tochigi Broadcasting band program "Vitamin Tochigi" corner "Earth is one J"
■ Broadcast date and time: Every Wednesday from around 10:40 am for about 15 minutes


Click on the name in the broadcast list below to see a studio photo of that broadcast and a summary of the story of a former collaborator. In addition, you can play and listen to the entire broadcast.

The broadcast sound source was provided by CRT Tochigi Broadcasting. Thank you for your cooperation.
Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Tochigi Cheering Party
Inside the Tochigi International Exchange Center, 9-14 Honcho, Utsunomiya City, 320-0033
TEL 090-5544-4167  e-mail
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